Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Student Engagement and Organization

The first semester of "going paperless" has been challenging, enthralling to many, and one of the best experiences I have ever been a part of.  The relationship I have with these student and that they have with one another is one of the best parts--we all count on each other.

Student Engagement
The level of student engagement is drastically different compared to my classes that are not paperless (Regular).  I have more in-class time to work with the kids, less time turning in work and passing out work, and they rarely have homework.  I am able to give them more attention and can spend more time on areas as needed.  In response to being asked if the iPad allows them to be more engaged in the class, a student responded "Yes, because we are in the technology generation and we all know how to use it; why not use it for education?"  How powerful and true!  One student said when asked if the iPad inhibits their learning "No, it helps us learn more and faster than other classes." Another says "No, because I learn better with the iPad. It is more engaging and I am not as bored when I'm using it."

The levels of stress in a high school setting are tremendous at times--the students have tests/projects/readings, etc. that have to be done and sometimes it all falls in the same week, even the same day.  I feel like the kids in my iPad class have a lower level of stress when it comes to learning.  They enjoy coming to my class and want to invest in their own learning.  A student said "finding the answers to my own questions is definitely more rewarding than having them given to me."  Another student says that "taking notes in a fun, easier way almost makes me want to take notes" in reference to the note-taking programs we have selected.

APPLE TV--best piece of equipment I use alongside the iPads.  The kids love it as well.  It is another prime reason the engagement of the students has increased drastically.  Apple TV allows me to display any iPad in the room that is on the network onto my board.  We can annotate, use apps, show notes, work problems, and many more things.  I can call on the kids randomly and they have to show their iPad to the class--they are always on their toes, ready to go.  Not only that, they WANT me to call on them.  It is amazing having the students work together to help another student "fix" any errors that may be present or to commend them on a job well-done.  Another student response about using the Apple TV:  "I think that the iPad forces you to be more involved in class, because with the share feature you can show your work on the iPad, just like you were using a whiteboard. Also you could use the chat feature to have a class discussion when not in class."  There is instant accountability.

The chat feature--I haven't quite figured this feature out and how I really want to use it in the class, but the kids sure have.  All of the iPads are registered under the same account, so they all can message one another using this.  Keep in mind, they also come to my iPad.  This is a gray-area in a lot of schools and it could be here, but my kids are not abusing it.  I do monitor it and it has been very handy at times.  For instance, the kids will send an instant message and it goes to everyone in the class and they are able to ask each other questions and see everyone's responses and help each other through problems at home.  There have even been times my iPad started going off at night with the kids sending messages asking questions--questions as simple as "do we turn this in tomorrow?" to questions asking for help on studying for the semester exam.  I can see this being a very useful tool to the students especially.

An aspect the students voice often about the use of the iPads in the class is their ability to be more organized, both for storing their work and for submitting their work.  The students prefer to use Evernote shared notebooks rather than my website to retrieve documents for class.  Here are some responses from students about their organization:
"The iPad makes it easier to turn in homework."
"I feel my average raised, and was better because I had everything. I couldn't lose it."
"It is so easy to find assignments and websites on the iPad."
"The several calendar and reminder applications help me keep my assignments and tests in order."
"It's all in one folder or app; all you have to do to send it in is use Evernote and it's there forever."
"It is so much easier to just go into a folder and have everything you need right there."
"My other binders are torn up and have a ton of paper and are pretty unorganized."
"Many people complain about losing some of their papers needed in their binders. It's not possible to lose homework on an iPad, unless you physically lost the iPad itself. Plus it is very organized so when you tell us to pull out our homework, there is no searching, it's just pulling up the app and clicking on the assignment."
"My study habits have definitely changed. I can study easier because all of my notes are in one folder in Evernote."
"Homework is unable to be forgotten or lost, and studying/doing my homework isn't as bad as in my other classes"