Thursday, August 18, 2011

Learning to Use the iPad

This has been an interesting topic.  When first planning this class, I was going to use Gmail and just create the students accounts.  The school then wanted to create the accounts using another company.  A day before classes started, we still did not have emails but they had been requested.  We ended up going with Google accounts through Google Educator accounts using the school's domain.  This has been nice being I can create and modify my groups to send emails to my entire class.  Since having these addresses, I have emailed them daily reminding them of their homework.

The students were assigned the App Start program on the iPads to complete for homework, along with playing around with the different apps I gave them on their iPads.  The chosen apps are:

Evernote and Evernote Peek
Go Docs
Note Taker HD
Calculator Pro
Physics HD
Video Science
Puppet Pals HD
Vernier Video Physics
Newton Laws
Science 360
Show Me

The students created their Evernote accounts on Friday and their notebooks for homework on their home computers because Evernote does not allow the iPad to make notebooks.  I told them the specific names to call each one.

Over the weekend, the students were sent an email to create a Twitter account and they did so if they did not already have one.  I have been using this to communicate homework assignments to them and to give them praise for the awesome things they have done in class.  When my students leave, they ask me "Will you post this on Twitter?"  I think that's just awesome.  Twitter is a tool that all kids this age (15-16) are using these days on their smart phones.  It is new to me, but I am willing to learn it to better their experience in my class.

We blocked all of the iPads from accessing iTunes store and changing accounts (adding/removing).  This has caused quite a headache for two days now.  Both times, different app updates came through or apps needed to be loaded on the iPads.  The iPads are set to automatically sync, but with these functions restricted, we have to go input the restriction code and turn each store on manually, then push the apps through and then turn it back off.  It took an entire class day all together.  Luckily, I had Mr. Brown (tech department) in here to assist me on these first few days.  It would've been much more challenging with out his presence in my room.  Right now, we are in the stage of deciding if we want the store blocked badly enough to sacrifice class time...

On Tuesday, we were able to begin using Notetaker HD and Evernote with the kids and teaching them how to use the apps and all of their neat functions.  It went great! The kids were so engaged and loved every minute of learning to use the apps and seeing how we will use them in class.  I walked around the room assisting the students and giving them time to "play".

Overall, the first week of school went amazingly well! I hope it keeps up!!

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